
Membership Details

To become a member of the Classic & Historical Automobile Club of Australia - Wagga Wagga Region, please print and fill out the form below and bring to our meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at the Wagga Rules Club.
You can post it to PO Box 749 Wagga Wagga or contact our club President Barry on 0438 447 432 or our clubs vehicle Registrar Dickie on 0412 761 842.

Please note that you are joining a club with other people that share a common interest in old cars as well as general camaraderie. As such there is an expectation when joining our club that you will attend several meetings during the year as well as assist where possible at our annual swap meet. We understand that this may not suit everyone so please consider this expectation when joining.

Members only Facebook Group click here - membership by request.

For further information on vehicle eligibility you can go to RMS/Transport NSW website by clicking here

Specific information to register vehicle under the Classic Vehicle Scheme through our affiliate NSW Historic Motoring Assoc. Inc click here

Unsure how to register and use a historic vehicle eg can I tow a trailer? click here

Further assistance to CHACA Wagga members from our affiliate member Council of Heritage Motor Clubs (CHMC) click here

How to use the Logbook click here (link to NSW Transport website)

CHACA Wagga Wagga Membership Awards Criteria click here